About Ocean Innovators

The Ocean Innovators channel aims to connect and empower social and technological innovators around the world acting to support ocean-related United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Why saving our Oceans?

According to the United Nations, the world’s oceans – their temperature, chemistry, currents and life – drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind.

Our rainwater, drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen in the air we breathe, are all ultimately provided and regulated by the sea.

Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future. However, at the current time, there is a continuous deterioration of coastal waters owing to pollution and ocean acidification is having an adversarial effect on the functioning of ecosystems and biodiversity.

About Ocean Innovators mission

Our mission to the community involves:

  • Promoting the work of social and technological innovators implementing new solutions for the future of our Oceans
  • Linking each innovation to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
  • Educating the community about existing solutions available to protect our oceans
  • Supporting collaborative initiatives across innovators
  • Encouraging the young generation to innovate and design the solutions of tomorrow

Introducing Ocean Innovators Series

Our online video/podcast series connects and empowers social and technological innovators dedicated to explore sustainable solutions to save our oceans.

Watch videos now!

2030 Goals: A Decade of Action

The show is designed to empower technologists and social innovators to accelerate the shift toward Ocean Protection.

We pioneer responses on pathways to realise the SDG Decade of action to save our Oceans. The input of innovators highlights the critical gaps and opportunities to accelerate action and transformative pathways for realising the Decade of Action to preserve our Oceans. 

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