Ocean Innovators directory

The Ocean Innovators directory page gathers the list of key innovators having a direct or indirect impact on saving our oceans.

Why do we need Innovators?

The momentum on ocean protection and restoration has rapidly accelerated particularly since the 2017 Ocean Conference. However, a number of the SDG 14- Life Below Water targets still lag behind.  Between overfishingpollutionhabitat loss and the multiple impacts of climate change on ocean ecosystems, the ocean has never faced such a diverse range of threats.

17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Rather than focusing on the problems, we would like to focus on the solutions which are being tested all around the world and support the work of worldwide innovators acting on our Sustainable Development Goals in relation to our oceans.

Consult Ocean Innovators directory

The Ocean Innovators directory gather information on experts and professionals involved in all aspects of saving our oceans and how to contact them.

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