Brad Nahill

Brad Nahill

For over 20 years, Brad Nahill has taken to the turtles. Directing his ways to protect sea turtles in the waves, Brad has been working with conservation projects, ecotourism, and environmental education across the world. Some of these include Ocean Conservancy, Rare, Association ANAI in Costa Rica, and the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. His consultation efforts have helped numerous ecotourism and non-profit organisations including Eco Teach and Costa Rican Adventures. 

Brad didn’t stop there and has been the co-founder of the not-for-profit SEE Turtles for more than 10 years now. In 2019, on behalf of the organisation he was awarded the Changemakers Award from the World Travel and Tourism Council for his work. His connection with the turtles has not only been developed through action but education as well. With a BS in Environmental Economics from Penn State University, Brad has also shared much of his knowledge and experience through teaching Ecotourism at Mount Hood Community College. Co-author of the Worldwide Travel Guide to Sea Turtles, Brad has put it all into the pages. He has also been given the President’s Award for his work as chair of the Awards Committee of the International Sea Turtle Society.

These are of course, few of the many workings of Brad Nahill for the sea turtles; and boy, are they lucky to have him! Ocean Innovators is even luckier to witness and be able to share the story of such a level of dedication and connection that one person can give to the sea turtles.




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