Goal 14 - Life below waterGoal 15 - Life on landGoal 4 - Quality education

Mangrove Restoration at COP-26

Dear COP-26 Participants, 

An alarming 50% of the world’s Mangrove forests have disappeared over the past 50 years. When Mangroves are destroyed, they release as much as 10 per cent of all emissions worldwide attributable to deforestation. 

Mangroves grow in 118 countries and are particularly efficient at keeping carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. They are home to vital species in blue carbon ecosystems and help preventing coastal erosion as well as maintaining high water quality. 

Today, the main threat for mangroves is the conversion of land for other use, such as for agriculture, aquaculture, urban development and infrastructure.  

In an effort to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Rotary International has established in 2020 the Environment as its 7th Area of Focus. Rotarians are present in 150 countries and are committed to reduce Carbon Footprint as well as leaving a better world for future generations. 

Proudly supported by ESRAG Proudly supported by ESRAG

In the past year and in preparation of COP-26, the Ocean Innovators© team has reached out to Rotarians around the world in Commonwealth Countries and connected with People of Actions. 

We connected with Rotarians and Rotaractors like you and I who are engaged under the ESRAG banner to support

the United Nations Decade of Action to save our Oceans. ESRAG is the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group andis supporting the growth of Rotary Environmental Actions, including Mangrove Restoration Projects. 

From Education, Cleanups, improving the flow of water and of course planting initiatives, Rotarians around the world are activating. 

  • How to protect what is left of mangroves?
  • How to reverse this trend of human-driven loss of mangroves?
  • What can you do locally and still make a global impact?

Mangrove Restoration at COP-26

This year Ocean Innovators© series will present you innovative solutions to re-establish Mangroves. 

Watch Colin Cosbie interview from the Rotary Club of Redcliffe Sunrise in Australia and establish your own initiative to showcase the importance of Mangroves in your local area.

Make a lasting impact, connect with Erick Weje from the Rotaract Club of Malindi, in Kenya and discover how the club managed to plant over 80,000 propagules and over 50,000 seedlings with the help of the local community. 

Engage youth into Coastal cleanups and Mangrove education projects to restore the environment like Shama Bisnauthsing project at the Rotaract Club of Phoenix, in Mauritius. 

Or follow Royann Dean footsteps and help improve the flow of water in your Mangroves to prevent coastal erosion like the Rotary Club of East Nassau in the Bahamas. 

This is your opportunity to discover innovative ways to restore Mangroves through the portrait of these innovative Rotarians and Rotaractors. 

So join us and support Rotary International delegation, ESRAG team and the Commonwealth Blue Charter Initiative at COP-26, in Glasgow, Scotland. And Empower, your own network with proven, positive & impactful solutions protecting our planet. 

Don’t forget to press the bell button to subscribe. 

And we will see you at COP-26

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Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 15 years of Ocean experience, Ludovic is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.

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